


Lead UX Designer


AT&T TV is a family of streaming services available across mobile and 10ft platforms. It is available on Android, Roku, FireTV, tvOS, iOS, web, select Smart TVs and AT&T TV hardware.

The Challenge

The Roku AT&T TV experience was not initially given much attention. It was implemented in a way that was difficult to include feature improvements and did not always align with intended design.

My Role

Along with a UI Designer and the Roku product and engineering team, I led the effort to identify pain points in the existing Roku AT&T TV experience to increase customer satisfaction. We worked together to evolve the Roku experience while the app was being migrated to a new faster, easier to maintain framework.


  • Gather Insights through Research
  • Define Areas of Improvement.
  • Iterate on Designs Identified as Issues.

Gathering Insights


50% of AT&T TV users are using a Roku.

Reviewing streams by platform it was discovered that more than 50% of AT&T TV’s users were watching using a Roku device.

Benchmark Study

A benchmark study conducted by AT&T’s research team revealed that users were dissatisfied with AT&T TV’s Roku experience compared with that of competitors.

AT&T TV Users less satisfied with AT&T TV

Overall, users struggled with major AT&T TV features, such as finding content to watch through Guide and Search and recording their programs.

User's Least Favorite Aspects of AT&T TV



The Benchmark Study and Experience Audit shown light on the app performance and implementation that was already plaguing engineering updating features. We worked closely with Product and Engineering to provide feedback and improvements while migrating Roku AT&T TV to a new code base.


Product, Engineering and Design worked closely together to improve the AT&T TV experience for 50% of it’s customers. The new Roku AT&T TV experience was faster and included a channel surfing feature that delighted users enabling them to find what they want to watch when they want.
Roku AT&T TV

Case Studies

Roku AT&T TV

Roku AT&T TV

Identify pain points in the existing Roku experience to increase customer satisfaction and app performance on a newer easier to maintain framework.

AT&T TV Casting

AT&T TV Casting

Combine and streamline the casting experience across receiver types to have a consistent scalable experience across casting technologies.

Disney Movies Anywhere Onboarding

Disney Movies Anywhere Onboarding

Share the benefit of Disney Movies Anywhere by helping the Guest either to connect a provider account or redeem a digital copy with a code while including a little Disney magic.

Disney Concerts

Disney Concerts

Improve the process of requesting music licenses for concerts by making it easier to find available music and reducing the steps needed to complete the licensing.